Things You'll Need
Phone appliance stores or companies nearby and ask if they have any refrigerator boxes you could have.Refrigerator boxes make great tunnels, but any larger box will do to make a tunnel.
Arrange your boxes in a tunnel shape. Depending on the types of boxes you have, your tunnel̵7;s shape will vary. Two refrigerator boxes laid end to end make a long straight tunnel. If you have several small boxes, you can make a curving tunnel by cutting and taping the boxes with duct tape.
Using your utility knife, cut your boxes to adjust their shape. For example, you might have several medium-sized boxes, some of which are smaller than others. In this case, you might need to cut some boxes down to the same size as the others. You might also wish to cut windows into your tunnel. This could be important if young children will use the tunnel.
Tape your boxes together. Duct tape is especially good for this step, as it is strong yet easy to tear off the roll.
Paint your tunnel with Gesso. Gesso is a white acrylic primer that dries in about 20 minutes. When the Gesso is dry, paint the tunnel with acrylic paint. After that dries, you are ready to let your children play in their new tunnel.