Official Ingredients
While Hasbro does not reveal the exact ingredients of Play-Doh, the mixture is mostly composed of water, salt and wheat flour. Petroleum adds smoothness to Play-Doh, and Borax keeps away mold.
Water is responsible for Play-Doh's pliability. When left out of its container, Play-Doh's water content evaporates, causing it to dry.
Allergic Reactions
Children who are allergic to wheat gluten should steer clear of Play-Doh. Because wheat is part of the Play-Doh's secret ingredients, those allergic may experience a reaction.
Home-made Play-Doh
For those concerned with Play-Doh's list of ingredients, a similar modeling material can be made at home. Combine white rice flour, cornstarch, salt, cream of tartar, water and cooking oil to create your home-made version.
Fun Fact
Play-Doh was originally created as a wallpaper cleaner.