Things You'll Need
Put some newspaper down on a work surface. Put the paintball gun down on the newspaper.
Glue a fuzzy strip of Velcro to the right side of the paintball gun's barrel with bonding glue, and glue another strip to the stock.
Glue a smooth strip of Velcro to each end of the gun strap with the bonding glue. Let the glue dry.
Position the laser sight on the top of the paintball gun and mark its position with the red permanent ink pen.
Position the laser sight onto the top of the paintball gun and hold it against the bonding glue until the glue grips the sight. Prop the paintball gun up with a 5-lb. dumbbell on each on each side so the gun is standing on the newspaper. Let the glue dry.
Paint one side of the paintball gun with camouflage paint. Let the paint dry.
Turn the paintball gun over to the other side and paint that side with camouflage paint. Let the paint dry.
Let the glue dry.
Press one end of the gun strap to the side of the paintball gun's barrel so it sticks to the Velcro strip that is there.
Press the other end of the gun strap to the side of the paintball gun's stock so it sticks to the Velcro strip that is there. You now have an easy to attach or remove gun strap for the paintball gun.
Spread bonding glue along the position of the laser sight.