Mechanical problems
Using the Air Hogs R/C Reflex Micro Heli Manual, go over every part of the vehicle to inspect for damage. Begin with the rotors. Any chips or cracks in the rotors means they need replacing with new parts from your Air Hogs retailer. Do not attempt to glue or patch rotors, as this unbalances them and harms your craft. Fuselage cracks or holes may be repaired with modeling epoxies or tape depending on the damage. The electric motor on the Reflex is contained in the unit's center and should not be opened, as this voids any warranties. Take it to your dealer if you have an extended warranty or contact Air Hogs if you suspect motor problems. Opening the motor and inspecting the battery should only be done by a trained professional, as there is an electrocution risk. Clear any grass or debris from around the rotors and prop engine as these can prevent spin and overheat the heli. You may also need to trim the rotors after a crash.
Radio Control
The Reflex Micro comes with a fairly powerful transmitter that works at ranges up to 100 yards. This signal can be subject to interference and may lose connection with the receiver in crashes. Fully charge both the heli and the transmitter prior to troubleshooting the control. Power off both the heli and the transmitter for at least 10 minutes after a crash so they reset. Ensure that neither the transmitter antenna nor heli antenna are touching anything metal, as this grounds the signal. Once signal is restored, use the controls and verify that they are functioning normally.
In-Flight Examination
Your eyes and ears are the most powerful troubleshooting tool possess. Listen for any change in volume or pitch from the Reflex's engine. These may indicate debris or failure due to overheating or grounding after a crash. Keep an eye on how the heli flies and make note of any change or lack of response as you use the controls. You will get a feel for your relative range. Never fly near power lines or other energy sources as these can interfere with your signal and cause crashes.