Things You'll Need
Cut off the bottom of the milk carton with scissors. Leave the bottom end of the carton open with no overhanging edges.
Cut off the angled top of the milk carton with scissors. Leave the top end open with no overhanging edges. At this point you should have a rectangular tube (if you use a cardboard carton) or a cylindrical tube (with a plastic carton) with two open ends.
Cut off the small end of the balloon about an inch from the tip. The small end is the end you would typically blow into to inflate the balloon. Do not inflate the balloon.
Stretch the remaining portion of the balloon around one end of the milk carton, stretching it as tight as possible without breaking the balloon. The balloon should now cover one end of the milk carton.
Wrap tape around the edge of the balloon to stick it to the milk carton. Use multiple layers to ensure it will not come loose.
Drop a chickpea or small rock into the open end of the milk carton so that it rests in the center of the balloon inside the carton. Pinch the object between two fingers, holding it through the balloon, and pull back away from the milk carton to stretch the balloon while holding the carton with your other hand.
Aim the peashooter at your target and release the balloon end. Your chickpea or rock should shoot out the open end of the carton.