Kids don't always have great judgment and often get in fights so a parent or adult should always supervise when kids are jumping on a trampoline.
All trampolines should have padding that covers the frame, hooks and springs because jumping and landing on them can cause injury. Children should also not sit on this part of the trampoline because they could get injured or the trampoline could flip with weight on one side.
Make sure to use a level to find a flat area to set the trampoline, and make sure there are no trees, buildings or overhanging objects.
Only one person should jump on a trampoline at a time to avoid collisions, and somersaults should not be attempted to avoid injuries.
Children should wear comfortable clothing but not something too loose because clothes can get stuck in the hooks. Don't wear jewelry, or carry any money, wallet or keys because they could get lost. Children should jump barefoot because socks could slip.
Children should not jump on trampolines if they are younger than 6 years old.