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Learn Yo Yo Tricks Online

The yo yo is a toy that most kids have owned at one point or another but very few have mastered. Yo yo experts twist and turn their yo yo's with such grace that it sometimes seems as if they float in thin air. While you can learn basic yo yo tricks with instructional manuals and even in-person classes, one of the best ways to introduce yourself to the world of yo yo tricks is visit websites and watch online instructional videos.
  1. Visit Yo Yo Tricks Websites

    • A quick search of yo yo tricks on Google will yield plenty of results. Unfortunately, many of the online yo yo resources are either difficult to understand or come from yo yo companies that are more concerned with selling you products than teaching you tricks. Perhaps the most comprehensive yo yo tricks website for beginners is Begin2Spin. Begin2Spin offers yo yo novices video demonstrations of many classic tricks such as "around the world," "walk the dog" and "Ferris wheel." For more advanced trick techniques such as "reach for the moon" and double yo yo "loop" tricks, visit Shawn's Looping Guides. Shawn provides videos and written instructions for several expert tricks.

    Look for Yo Yo Tricks Diagrams

    • Since video tutorials often move rather quickly, look at online yo yo illustration guides for diagrams of proper form. The Yo Yo Guy's website offers clear pictures that demonstrate proper string length, finger knots and the various ways the string should sit on the yo yo's axle. Once you have your yo yo configured properly, visit Yo Yo Guy's tricks diagrams. These simple step-by-step guides will give you easy snapshots into many basic tricks. Go back and forth between the illustrations and the video tutorials at Begin2Spin for a complete picture of how to execute tricks.

    Watch Yo Yo Masters and Teachers Online

    • For a wide range of yo yo tutorials and demonstrations, visit an online video site such as YouTube. Since anyone can post a video on YouTube and call themselves an "expert," look at the video's ratings and comments to determine whether it's worth your time. The benefit of video sites is that you can view several different teachers' methods for a given trick. Furthermore, video sites will have videos of yo yo experts such as Hiroyuki Suzuki. While yo yo masters will perform tricks at speeds so fast that you will have a tough time learning the exact moves, gravity-defying tricks will help to inspire you as you conquer the yo yo basics.

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