According to, the first gumball machines appeared in 1907. However, machines that released blocks or sticks of gum were available as early as 1888 (see Resources).
The first gumball machines charged a penny per piece. The average price in the United States is currently 25 cents.
The Norris Manufacturing company patented the first line of gumball machines in 1923. The chrome line, dubbed "Master," wasn't actually manufactured until the 1930s.
In 1934, the Ford Gum and Machine company gave money from sales of their gumballs to the Lion's Club. The company was based out of New York (see Resources).
The Pulver Company created the first animated gum machine. They introduced the series in 1987.
Spiral machines
The Wizard is the first spiral machine, and was created in 1994. The spiral machines have transformed these vending machines into interactive toys.