Select the most destructive, repulsive and icky insects to base your solar robots on. Consider microsized scorpions, dung beetles and killer bees. The robot insects must repulse anyone unlucky enough to see them. Create a large army of insects to release on the world.
Improve on the insects deign by adding small laser beams, heat vision or for the ultimate cool factor a ray gun that can melt human flesh. The options must be very small yet pack the impressive punch of their giant predecessors.
Increase run time by using backup batteries to supplement the robots solar power. A fearsome insect robot isn't scary if it can't run indoors or at night.
Include a scary mechanical sound such as clicking, whirring, buzzing or clanging. The sound of the advancing robot insects is sure to make the bravest hero begin shaking with fear. Adding mechanical voices that repeat the same phrase over in a loop is also creepy. Try phrases like "No defeat," "Need meat," or repeat the chorus from "Don't Worry be Happy" to ensure complete and total surrender.
Build a secret weakness into the robots such as an inability to work when covered with chocolate that contains radiation from the third moon of Saturn. Release this information only after you have captured and secured the superhero attempting to thwart your conquest. Include careful details to where the required ingredient resides along with a clear path to its location.