Pop open the toy if it has a small button to operate it, and remove the battery to avoid a shock. Unscrew the wire that is attached to the battery and attach additional wires to the button. Remove the small button and attach a large push button on the end and replace the cover to the toy. This modification gives a child a longer reach and an easier button to push to operate the toy.
Glue handles on the ends of small toys that are used for building. Get a length of wooden trowel or long piece of Styrofoam, wide enough for your child's hands to grab and cut one to three-inch pieces off of it. Glue the handles on to the backs of the blocks or game pieces. These handles are great for kids with some limited mobility in their hands.
Use Velcro to attach toys to a table or work surface for children who will be pushing and pulling on the toys with their face or other body parts. Attach one side of the Velcro to the table and the other part to the bottom of the toys and games. Games can easily be switched out that also have the Velcro on the bottom.
Make bracelets for your child out of Velcro so that you can attach small toys to the ends of the straps and keep them within easy reach of the child during play. Add Velcro to all of your child's stuffed animals and dolls.