Unscrew your bolt yo-yo and remove any o-rinds and bearings. A safety pin or other such item could be useful here. It's up to you whether you wish to keep the o-rings or chuck them.
Use piers to remove the bearing if it doesn't come willingly as you mod your Bolt yo-yo. Protect the bearing first with a rubber band, then gently wiggle the bearings back and forth with the pliers until they come out. You can also remove the bearing shield (start the process with the tip of the safety pin), but that's up to you.
Soak the bearings in mineral spirits until they are clean. Unlubricated bearings work best when you are trying to mod your Bolt yo-yo to do the tricks that require a less responsive yo-yo. After soaking them for 10 minutes, let them dry on some paper towel. You can help the bearings dry more quickly by spinning them with your forefinger.
Add some silicon that flows to the chamber where the bearings rest as you mod a Bolt yo-yo. Be careful not to add too much as this could restrict the bearings. Level out the silicone with a flat edge of something, like a business car. Allow the silicone to set for 12 hours or so before proceeding. Once it's dried, you can remove any excess.
Screw the Bolt yo-yo together, without inserting the bearings, and sand its surfaces with medium grain sand paper. Clean the yo-yo, then unscrew it and clean it again, being careful to keep any grit from going into the bearing channel.
Insert the bearings and reassemble your yo-yo. You have successfully modded your Bolt yo-yo, and should be able to do cool tricks like Side Style Bind and more.