Things You'll Need
Cut the PVC pipe to the length you wish with a hack saw. Quarter staffs that were used in battle were up to eight or nine feet in length. However, you should choose a length which suits you when you make a quarter staff with PVC pipe.
Sand the ends after you cut the PVC pipe to make sure that they're smooth. You should also wash the PVC so the surface is perfectly clean when you paint it. Any blemishes or dirt can affect the paint's appearance.
Apply spray paint to your PVC pipe as evenly as you can manage. The color is up to you. You can go with a brown paint so the PVC quarter staff looks like a stick, or silver for a metal-like appearance. Let your imagination be your guide.
Allow the spray paint to dry before handling the PVC pipe when you're making a quarterstaff from a PVC pipe.
Take your PVC quarter staff to battle. But remember, "With great power there must also come great responsibility."