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How to Build an Indoor Playhouse

An indoor playhouse is an entertaining way to give a child a special place inside your home. This indoor playhouse has a PVC pipe frame able to be made for any area. Make more than one playhouse and alter them to create a multi-room playhouse. An indoor playhouse made of PVC is an inexpensive and lightweight option when compared to other play spaces.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 1-inch PVC pipes cut 4 feet in length
  • 4 1-inch 3-way PVC corner connectors
  • 4 1-inch PVC pipes cut 2 feet in length
  • 4 1-inch PVC pipes cut 5 feet in length
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
  • PVC cement
  • 5 yards of 60-inch canvas or thick material
  • 16 1-inch PVC clamps
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    • 1

      Attach 3-way corner connectors on each end of the 4-feet PVC pipes. The pipe needs to be secured in one of the corner holes of the connectors.

    • 2

      Connect two of the 4-foot PVC pipes together with two 2-foot PVC pipes. Place the 2-foot pipes in the opposite corner hole of the 3-way connectors to connect the pipes together. Repeat for the two remaining 4-foot pipes.

    • 3

      Place one 5-foot pipe into the empty hole one of the 3-way connectors. Repeat this process for the remaining corners of one set of the 4-foot and 2-foot pipes.

    • 4

      Lay the other set of 4-foot and 2-foot pipes on top of the 5-foot pipes. Slide the 5-foot pipes into the open 3-way connectors. This gives you a rectangle frame for the playhouse.

    • 5

      Glue the connectors and the pipes together with PVC pipe cement to make the playhouse sturdy. If you are planning to move the playhouse, leave the 2-foot pipes unglued so the playhouse is easier to disassemble.

    • 6

      Measure and cut the fabric for the sides and the top of the frame. Make two pieces for one side of the frame slightly smaller than the frame so children are able to enter and exit freely. Wrap the fabric around the frame and attach it with the PVC clamps.

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