Things You'll Need
Familiarize yourself with the characters in the game. You will start the game with both a tamer (human) and a Digimon.
Register to play Digimon online at the official Digimon online-game site (see Resources below). The entire site, including the registration form, is in Korean.
Choose a tamer. You can choose Henry Wong (who is a calm-headed pacifist), Jeri Katou (who is friendly and encouraging), Rika Nonaka (who is headstrong and slightly anti-social) or Takato Matsuki (who is obsessed with Digimon). At certain times during the game, you can use your tamer in conjunction with your Digimon.
Choose a beginning Digimon, but note that at the outset of the Digimon online role-playing game, you can only choose from Gigimon, Gummymon or Viximon. Gigimon becomes Guilmon when he advances beyond the in-training level. Gummymon turns into Terriermon when he passes the in-training level, and Viximon is the yellow, fox like, in-training form of Renamon.
Search for stronger Digimon. You can change or upgrade your Digimon character by either capturing one or by completing some mission or reaching a set level of expertise.
Capture Digimon by using a net. You can only get a net by buying one from the game's producers or by receiving one from another player.
Try to capture Digimon without a net by selecting the capture option each time it is offered while you are in battle with another Digimon. You must be able to choose the option all three times that it appears to catch a Digimon this way. This method is reportedly very difficult.
Battle with other players online. Approach another player's Digimon and battle it by using the keys indicated on the screen to launch your character's attacks.