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How to Draw Digimon

Drawing your favorite Digimon can be difficult, since Digimon change from human forms into digivolved warriors or monsters. However, with a few basic Digimon drawing tips and plenty of practice, you can learn to draw Digimon for your family and friends.


  1. Draw a Basic Shape Outline for Human-Shaped Digimon

    • 1

      Begin by drawing the basic structure of a human-like Digimon to begin creating a drawing of the human/cat Digimon named Renamon. Draw a circle for her head in the top 1/4 of your paper. Then, draw two small circles at the bottom sides of the head circle (these will keep her shoulders in place).

    • 2

      Draw another small circle on each side of the large circle. Place these just above the horizontal halfway line on the large circle and about 1/2-inch away from the large circle. These will be Renamon's elbows (her arms will be over her head).

    • 3

      Draw two more small circles at the top center of the large (head) circle. These should be very close together, nearly touching the large circle. These circles are the placeholders for Renamon's hands.

    • 4

      Sketch in a straight line, connecting the left-shoulder circle to the left-elbow circle. The line should begin and end in the center of each circle it connects. Continue to connect the left-elbow circle to the left-hand circle, and repeat this process for the right arm.

    • 5

      Return to the large circle, and draw a horizontal line through the circle, just above halfway up. Then, draw a similar vertical line that bisects the horizontal line at its center. These will help you place Renamon's facial features in the correct areas.

    Draw in Digimon Facial Features

    • 6

      Place the nose just above the intersection of the two lines on the large circle. Renamon's nose is an oval. Once you draw it, fill in the entire oval.

    • 7

      Draw the eyes equal distances from the nose. For Renamon, you can draw her with her eyes closed by making an arch to represent an eyebrow on each side of the bisecting lines. Then, draw similar arches, but with a shallower angle, just underneath the horizontal face line.

    • 8

      Place the mouth below the nose. It should be underneath the horizontal line, and half of it should be on each side of the vertical line. For Renamon, draw a large, rounded-edge triangle to show her yawning.

    Flesh-out Your Drawing

    • 9

      Draw in the flesh on the arms by drawing curved lines above and below each connecting line. For Renamon, sketch in little tufts of fur at each elbow and on both wrists.

    • 10

      Erase any of your original circles and any connecting lines that are not covered up.

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