Pick your silly string. Silly string comes in a variety of colors. Have fun with it and pick as many colors as you can find. For games and parties picks colors that work with themes or that show the different number of opponents.
Ambush your friends and family. When you have silly string don't wait, use it on as many people as you can. Catching people off guard is exciting and gets the blood pumping. Spray your friends and family as they watch television, sleep, wash dishes, or any other leisure activity.
Play tic-tac-toe in the grass using two to three different colors. Use the silly string to write on walls or grass. When playing tag use silly string to tag a person out. Invent fun and interesting new games with your friends and family or reinvent a classic game.
Throw a silly string party. Invite a bunch of friends to your house and let the fun begin. Put some music on and start spraying the silly string on your friends or in the air. Silly string is a foam that is easy to clean so don't be afraid spray it anywhere.