Things You'll Need
Cut the red felt into an apple shape. There should be a divot in the top and one in the bottom. If you want it to be perfectly symmetrical, fold the felt in half before cutting. Set this piece aside.
Cut the cream-colored felt into an apple shape about 1/4 to 1/2 inch smaller all around than the red apple.
With the brown floss, embroider two or more seeds into the middle of the cream-colored apple shape.
Cut 1 inch of the brown cord or string for a stem. Using the brown floss, sew it to the divot in the top of the red slice, about 1/2 inch down.
Sew the cream-colored apple slice onto the middle of the red one with the white floss, pinning it down first if you prefer. You can use a running stitch, overcast stitch or buttonhole (blanket) stitch, the last being the most decorative.