WebKinz Arcade and Tournaments
When you first log in to Webkinz World at Webkinz.com, from the Things To Do menu choose "Arcade" to access the list of Webkinz games. The website offers many to choose from. You should try them all to see which one you like best. Some will appeal to you more than others, and different games have different difficulty levels since Webkinz.com members come in varying ages from preschool to adult. All of the games are appropriate for children. Some of the games promote learning, such as the typing game "Lunch Letters," the math game "Booger Gets an A," the spelling game "Quizzy's Word Challenge" and the logic game "Operation Gumball."
Once you find a game you like, practice. The more you play the game, the better you will become at it and the more KinzCash you will earn. If you receive a particularly high score on a game, you may also receive a trophy to display in your Webkinz pet's room. When you beat your previous high score, your pet's picture in the lower left of the screen will animate and congratulate you on a job well done.
In the Tournament area, you can play some of the Arcade games in multiplayer mode against other Webkinz members who are logged in at the same time you are. If you receive the highest score in a tournament, you can win some KinzCash to spend on your pet.
Technical Issues
Webkinz.com is an Adobe Flash-based system, so all the games in the Arcade require you to have the most recent version of Flash installed on your computer; you should also have an up-to-date web browser to use Flash properly. If the Webkinz.com website seems slow, but your browser seems to work fine on other sites, traffic at Webkinz.com is probably causing the problem. Try again at another time to see if you have better results. Webkinz.com is a popular site, and on holidays, particularly Christmas, accessing the site and playing the games successfully may be difficult due to heavy usage.