Things You'll Need
Gather the dirty and soiled stuffed toys. This procedure will clean up to 25 small stuffed toys, 10 to 15 larger ones, or a combination of the two. The bag can be approximately three quarters full of stuffed toys. You just need to leave enough room for the stuffed toys to move around in the bag.
Place the stuffed toys in the plastic bag.
Pour approximately 1/2 cup of baking soda into the bag. Distribute it onto the stuffed toys as you are pouring it.
Zip the bag closed completely.
Shake the bag vigorously to distribute the baking soda onto all of the stuffed toys. This will help reduce odors, germs and dirt from the toys.
Spread out the large towel in preparation for the stuffed toys you will be removing from the plastic bag.
Open the bag (outside if possible) near the spread-out towel and take the stuffed toys out of the bag. Shake them as you remove them to try to get as much baking soda from them as you can.
Place the stuffed toys on the towel.
Use the hose attachment of the vacuum cleaner to remove as much baking soda from the stuffed toys as possible to finish cleaning the toys.