Cut the seams of the stuffed animal. If your stuffed animal has had a run-in with the family dog, you might be able to omit this step. Otherwise, you need to find a way to get to the stuffing inside of your stuffed animal. Using a seam ripper, cut along the seam of the animal to expose the stuffing inside. The smaller the hole, the less sewing you'll have to do later on.
Remove all the old stuffing. Before you can replace the stuffing in a plush toy, you must remove all of the old fluff. Take it out and examine it to see what type of stuffing it is. This will help you purchase the right replacement stuffing at your local craft store. If you're unsure, just purchase stuffing that's for general use.
Start to re-stuff your plush toy. Using the same hole, start filling your plush toy up again with small bits of the stuffing. Continue to stuff the toy until it's the correct firmness.
Sew up your hole. Once you've replaced the stuffing in your plush toy, use a needle and thread to sew up the hole in the seam.