Things You'll Need
Float the hula hoop on top of the water. Place the hula hoop in a horizontal position in a pool or swimming spot. Anchor with a weighted object tied to a rope if you do not want the hula hoops to float about freely. Create games, such as tossing objects through the hoops from different distances, or a swimming version of basketball with the hula hoop serving as the basket.
Place the hula hoop in a vertical position in the water. Suspend in place with a weight on one end of a rope. Allow the hula hoop to float while swimmers move through the hoops during an obstacle course or other swimming games.
Float plants in your pond by placing in the center of a hula hoop. Tie one end of fishing line to your hula hoop; tie the other end of the fishing line to a rock or heavy ornamental decoration on the side of your pond. Add as many fishing line ties as needed to place the hula hoop in the spot you wish to float the plant. Place water plants, such as water hyacinths, in the center of the hula hoop to prevent the plants from floating away.
Place the hula hoop in the center of your swimming pool. Tie fishing line on at least two sides of the hula hoop and anchor to a ladder or secure with a weight on a rope. Place a balloon bouquet, or flowers attached to floral foam, in the center of the hula hoop to create a pool centerpiece for a celebration.