Determine what size pool you will need. Don't spend unnecessary money on a pool that will be too big for your needs. Is this going to be for a few kids or just for an adult to lounge in? If you're buying an above ground pool for older children, it will need to be much larger than just your inflatable kiddie pool. Or if this will just be for an adult to lounge in, it may not need to be that deep.
Once you have decided what size of pool you'll need, it's time to decide what type. There are two main types of temporary, above-ground pools to choose from. One is a soft-sided, flexible pool with an inflatable ring at the top. These make for an easy set up but are more likely to puncture. Metal frame swimming pools may be more sturdy but require more set up. To save future money spent on repairing or replacing your pool, choose the one that will hold up the best for your needs.
Buy late in the season or in the off-season. You can get great discounts on temporary, above-ground pools by waiting until the end of the year when stores are trying to get rid of leftover summer merchandise. You can save as much as 75% off of an above ground pool.
Shop at online auction sites. You may be able to get a slightly used, above ground pool or even a brand new one for a discount. Be careful of what you need to pay for shipping though. You want to make sure that you're still getting a discount after shipping and handling.
Shop around. Don't limit yourself to one store. Look at the Sunday ads and hit the stores that have the best sales on the pool you need. One week, Wal-Mart may have the best price while the next week, Target may have an amazing deal on above ground pools.
Check warehouse stores like Sam's Club and BJ's for discounted pools. These items usually go fast, but if you keep an eye out at the beginning of the summer, you may just score a great deal on that temporary pool you need.