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How to Sew a Fabric Pocket Onto an Existing Stuffed Animal

Parents do their best to satisfy their children's wants and needs, which is evident in yearly Christmas toy shopping, where parents find themselves hunting for the toy-of-the-year that's sold out, only to find that the child plays with the toy for only a couple days. Stuffed animals are a great choice for children. They are used in more than one way, so they are less likely to be pushed aside for something better. Stuffed animals offer the child companionship, security, and dramatic play. Parents can add a pocket to any stuffed animal to personalize it for their child. Place something small in the pocket such as a family photo, a scented card with dad's favorite cologne, or a special toy.

Things You'll Need

  • Small piece of scrap fabric
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Needle
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    • 1

      Cut the fabric into a square shape for the pocket. You want the pocket to be large enough for your child to hide special items in, but small enough that the pocket isn't overly noticeable on the stuffed animal. An ideal pocket size would be 4-½-by-4-½ inches or smaller.

    • 2

      Fold over the top of the pocket 1/2 inch. The fold should be on the wrong side of the fabric. Hand sew the fold securely using a prickstitch. Prick stitch is done by making very small stitches every ¼-inch that resemble tiny pricks.

    • 3

      Place the pocket on the stuffed animal. The pocket should be right side out. Hold the pocket with your non-dominant hand, and use your dominant hand to prick stitch the two sides and bottom of the pocket. The pocket is now ready to hold your child's items.

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