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DIY Hammocks for Storing Toys

A popular way for storing and displaying stuffed animals is to use a toy hammock. Although these devices are relatively cheap and easy to install and purchase, you can choose to make one yourself using netting or mesh. Typically, hammocks are hung in corners using wall hooks, which should be mounted using the proper anchors.
  1. Homemade Toy Hammocks

    • You can make your own toy hammock using netting or mesh. Fishing nets can often be found at hobby and craft stores as well as at import shops such as Pier One or World Market. You can also find them on-line. If you would rather use mesh, you can buy mesh fabric by the yard at most fabric stores. Cut your mesh or fishing net into a rectangle that is a little longer than you want for the hammock. You need excess length for making the knotted ends. Simply gather the mesh/netting together at each end and tie a knot.

    Securing Your Structure

    • Because stuffed animals are not heavy, a simple, single knot should suffice. Mount the hooks into the walls at a corner in the room. Use the proper anchors for your hooks so that they will not easily pull out of the walls and leave big holes. Position the hooks to point upward. Simply push the knots over the hooks, so that each hook snags into a knot, holding the hammock securely. Because you started with a rectangle, you'll have two sides to the hammock. Simply open the sides and insert stuffed toys until the hammock is full.

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