The original Tickle Me Elmo was released in the fall of 1996. The toy quickly caught on and became a huge craze in the United States. It was the most popular toy for Christmas of 1996.
While the original toy retailed for a little over $25, the craze caused the price to balloon. Online auctions and classified ads offered the toy for over a hundred dollars in many cases.
The original toy works by tickling the stomach of the doll. Elmo shakes and laugh while saying one of three sound effects.
TMX Elmo
The second version of the Tickle Me Elmo was known as the TMX Elmo. This Elmo could move and roll over, and was programmed with multiple sayings. It was released in the fall of 2006.
Special Editions
Every version of the Tickle Me Elmo has received a special edition. Some included more sayings, some were store exclusives, and others featured cash prizes for consumers.