Things You'll Need
Create Your Own Stuffed Bear
Select a simple pattern for making a stuffed bear. The easiest will feature a limited number of pattern pieces.
Create your own pattern by drawing the outline of a bear on a piece of tracing paper.
Cut the pattern piece or pieces out and pin them to the fabric of your choice. Felt makes an excellent material for the novice bear maker as it does not unravel and can be sewn by hand.
Cut the fabric following the pattern and be sure to include at least a 3/8-inch seam allowance.
Pin the fabric pieces together. If you are working with felt, you may pin them wrong sides together and leave the edges of the felt exposed. If you are using another material, it is advisable to pin the pieces right sides together so that the raw edges will be on the inside of the stuffed bear when complete.
Stitch your bear around the edges, leaving a hole for inserting the stuffing.
Insert the stuffing or fiberfill into the bear. Be sure not to over-stuff or you will have difficulty closing up the final seam.
Stitch up the hole left for stuffing by using a whip stitch or overlapping hand stitch. If you are working with felt, you may want to use a stitch similar to that used in the main construction of the bear, such as a backstitch or a decorative buttonhole stitch.
Sew on your button eyes and nose and use red embroidery floss to stitch a simple mouth. You may also draw on your bear's features using a permanent marker or fabric paint.