Things You'll Need
Decide on a theme. Do you want a Christmas bear? A farmer bear? A ballerina bear? A fly-fishing bear?
Think about a budget. If you've considered balloon bouquets, flowers, singing telegrams or any other "celebratory delivery," bears are reasonable - but that doesn't mean they're cheap.
Choose a manufacturer or supplier. Some, such as Nikki Bears, make individual bears to order. Others, such as the Vermont Bear Company, allow you to choose among a few bears and then dress them to your specifications.
Decide how you will pay - cash, credit card or check.
Order the bear. Unless you've chosen a local business, you'll probably be doing this over the Web or the phone.
Be as specific as you can about size, color, accessories and so forth.
Ask for clarification on anything you don't understand and don't be afraid to ask for advice. Remember, these folks have to be "beary" professional or they wouldn't be in business.