Choose a nice level surface to land your airplane. A paved road, unobstructed parking lot or grassy field will do.
Turn the airplane so that it approaches the end of the field for landing directed into the wind. Reduce the throttle for the plane to reduce speed by slightly pushing down on the throttle control on your remote. Reduce the throttle until the nose of the plane dips downward slightly and you begin to descend at a slight 10-to-20 degree angle.
Abort the landing if your speed appears too fast for a safe landing. You want the plane to float towards the ground for landing, not dive down. Add throttle to provide power to the plane and then pull back slightly on the elevator stick to tilt the nose of the plane upwards to begin gaining altitude again for an aborted landing. Circle around the field and try again.
Continue to approach the landing area, dropping slowly until the plane is about a 10-to-15 feet above the runway, then reduce the throttle further to reduce the approach speed. Pull back slightly on the elevator control to tilt the nose of the plane upwards about a foot off the runway. You'll want to time this change in positioning to bring the nose of the plane parallel to the ground or angled slightly upward as the wheel of the plane touches.
Lower the throttle further once the plane lands to prevent it from taking off again. Keep the plane directed straight ahead to avoid tipping the wing into the ground and causing the plane to tumble. Continue to power down the throttle as the plane moves forward until it stops completely, at which point you can retrieve the vehicle.