Organizing and Displaying Cars
Since a 2-year-old child is not old enough to play with Matchbox cars unsupervised, it is important to have a place to organize the cars when not in use. Display shelves and cases are useful because the child is still able to see the cars, even if he cannot play with them. If the child is upset by seeing the cars during times he is not able to play with them, it might be better to have a case or box that hides the cars. A small shelf providing space for displaying two or three cars might work best. When playtime is over, the child can choose a few of his favorite cars to display and "watch over" his bedroom or playroom.
Though Matchbox cars are fine on their own, it is fun to use the tracks and accessories that are made to accompany the toys. Mattel's Skybuster Mission Headquarters offers two runways, a control tower, a landing pad and stalls for six Matchbox planes. The Matchbox Power Scouts Adventure System Log Run is a traditional track that enables users to move their cars around without manual pushing. Tracks and other accompaniments require set-up from an adult and are safe for supervised play for children under 3.
New Cars
Fans of Matchbox cars love getting new cars to add to their collection. A 2-year-old likely has a small collection of cars, so it is easy to buy new ones without concern for duplicating what they already have. If you are buying more than one vehicle, consider shopping by theme. You can give cars in the child's favorite color or choose only trucks or service vehicles. A vintage car is a great item for a 2-year-old child because it is not meant for play. The car can be displayed in the child's bedroom and possibly increase in value as the years pass.
If you are concerned about giving a gift the child is not able to use without supervision, consider Matchbox-related items that are safe for all ages. Kids love wearing clothing displaying an image of their favorite toy. Choose from T-shirts, hats, shoes and socks with the Matchbox or Hot Wheels logo or images of cars. Other safe items for 2-year-old children include lunchboxes, books and bed linens.