Things You'll Need
Position the servo on the aluminum bracket so that the servo arm --- the piece which moves --- sticks through the gap in the bracket. Bolt the servo into place.
Select a position for the servo motor. Find somewhere in the rudder or hydrofoil that is easy to access, and is out of the way of moving parts. There should be enough clear space for the servo to fit. Trace the wooden block on this position.
Sand smooth the wooden block. The block should be as small as the base of the aluminum mounting bracket.
Glue and screw the wood block into the position marked earlier. Leave the glue to dry for 10 minutes.
Screw the bracket into the wood block. The servo arm should line up with the hydrofoil or rudder.
Glue the rod connector to the rudder, in line with the servo arm. Leave the rod to dry for 15 minutes.
Test the rod, make sure that it moves the rudder. Bend the rod to fit into the servo arm. When the servo moves, it should move the rudder.