Things You'll Need
Jam signals for older cars. RC cars built before 2003 operate at 27 MHz. There are only six channels allowed for use for RC cars at 27 MHz. Set your radio frequency generator between 27.095 and 27.145 and broadcast any noise at maximum power (usually maximum power for an RF generator is between 100 to 200 milliwatts). This will jam all six 27 MHz channels for roughly a 400 to 600 foot radius. However, if it is a newer RC car it will operate at 75 MHz. Follow the next two steps to jam a 75 MHz signal.
Find the radio signal being used by the 75 MHz RC car. There are 30 different channels used by a 75 MHz RC car. The allotted frequencies for RC cars lie between 75.410 MHz and 75.990 MHz. At this high a frequency, jamming all channels with common equipment isn't possible. Use a 75 MHz frequency checker to determine what frequencies between 75.410 MHz and 75.990 MHz are being utilized.
Broadcast any noise at the same frequency that your frequency checker detected. If you detect more than one frequency then there are other RC vehicles in use within 600 feet. The only way to determine what frequency is being used by each different vehicle is trail and error.