Things You'll Need
Remove the body of your RC car's chassis and set it to the side.
Disconnect the "Positive" and "Negative" electric leads connected to the motor.
Remove the electric motor from the vehicle's motor mount, using an appropriate size allen wrench.
Remove the two brush springs mounted near the soldered connections for the "Positive" and "Negative" wire leads.
Pull out the small rectangular-shaped commutator brushes from the endbell holders. The commutator brushes attach to the metal portions of the endbell; pull the braided wires in order to aid in the removal of the commutator brushes from the endbell housing. Allow the commutator brushes to hang freely from the sides of the motor.
Insert the commutator brush-cleaning tool into one of the brush holders located on the side of the endbell and turn the pinion gear a few revolutions. This will clean the commutator thoroughly, providing a better electrical contact surface for the brushes.
Loosen the small setscrew located on the side of the pinion gear, mounted on the electric motor's output shaft, using an appropriate size allen wrench. Slide the pinion gear off the output shaft, and set it to the side.
Remove the two screws that secure the endbell to the metal can portion of the motor. Carefully lift out the endbell from the motor can. Place any shim washers present on the armature shaft safely to the side.
Examine the rounded ends of each commutator brush for glazing or pitting. Resurface the rounded portions of each commutator brush using a commutator brush-cleaning tool. Replace the commutator brushes if heavy pitting exists.
Lift out the armature from the metal can, and set the armature on a clean rag.
Clean out any dirt and debris present inside the motor can using electric RC car engine cleaner. Spray off the armature and commutator surfaces thoroughly using liberal amounts of cleaner. Do not allow the cleaner to come in contact with the brushes.
Lubricate the shaft bearings located on the endbell and metal can using appropriate oil designed for electric RC car motor applications. Allow the metal can and armature to dry thoroughly before reassembling the components.
Install the electric motor back into the vehicle and reconnect the electrical leads.