Charge the helicopter following the directions for the toy you are using. Most have a charging cable inside the controller that connects to a port on the side of the helicopter. Give the model a few minutes to charge. Usually it will indicate it is ready with an LED.
Unplug the charge cord and power on the helicopter model.
Move the throttle up to power on the main rotor. Move it up slowly until the helicopter lifts off the ground. The higher you move the throttle, the higher your helicopter will fly. Ease the helicopter into an easy hover.
Adjust the trim of the helicopter. If the helicopter is spinning to the left or right, adjust the trim in the opposite direction. If your helicopter turns to the right, adjust the trim to the left.
Use the control stick to direct the helicopter's flight. When you tilt the stick to the left, the helicopter will turn left, when you tilt it to the right, the copter flies right. These aircraft respond best to light, easy motions. Use controlled movements instead of jerking the controls around.
Land the helicopter by slowly easing the throttle back down until the helicopter touches down on the ground. Then, shut off the throttle and power down the controller and the helicopter.