Things You'll Need
Designing the Body
Draw a line straight across one side of the cardboard box. Place the line at least 2 or 3 inches below the top of the cardboard based on the height you want your car to be.
Draw the outline of a car on top of that line, in the space between the car and the edge. Leave about a 1/2-inch gap for making tabs. You should try to make it somewhat boxy, as this will be easier to measure and design later. This outline becomes the first side panel.
Draw two straight lines from the front and back base of the car. Make them as wide as you want the body of the car to be, with a minimum width of 2 inches. Draw another straight line across the other side of the car. This forms a rectangular base for the car.
Copy the outline of the car onto the line you just added to the other side panel. Make sure the designs are as close as possible, so the car won't look lopsided.
Measure all the lines that constitute the car outline, and add them together. Draw another line on the cardboard that is as long as the outline of the car. This line will make the side of the car's roof.
Measure the width of the car, and add a straight line of equal distance from the end of the roof line drawn in the previous step. Turn these roof lines into a rectangle, which will fit across the top of the car.
Draw lines about 1/2 inch above, and parallel to, the lines on the side panels of the car but slightly shorter. Draw short lines connecting those lines to the car panel to make tabs. Make tabs along the front and back of the bottom panel as well.
Cut out all the pieces, including the tabs. Do not disconnect the side panels from the bottom panel.
Fold up the side panels, then fold all the tabs inward.
Dab some glue along all the tabs. Stick the roof panel onto the back tab, then attach it to all the tabs along the top of the car. Fold and crease the roof to fit into the top panel, until it sticks to the front tab as well. This will form the car.
Use masking tape to hold the car down while it dries. Leave the glue to dry overnight.
Remove the masking tape. Decorate the car with markers, colored pencils or glued-on paper.
Attaching the Wheels
Cut the straw into lengths as wide as the car base.
Glue and tape the straw to the underside of the bottom panel of the car.
Insert and glue a dowel into one of the wheels. Repeat with one more wheel and the other dowel.
Slide the dowels into the straws. Trim all but about 1/4 inch of the excess dowel from these axles.
Glue the remaining wheels onto the exposed dowels. Make sure you don't get any glue on the straws, or the wheels won't roll.