Things You'll Need
Wipe down the train with a clean, soft cloth to remove surface dirt and dust. Dampen the cloth with water and rub firmly to remove any built-up grime.
Remove any rust by sanding the area with fine grit sandpaper. If you prefer, you can also rub on a small amount of rust remover and sand lightly. Wipe away any residual rust remover or rust flakes with a soft cloth.
Remove any oxidation (green or white buildup similar to rust) with an oxidation remover and sandpaper, similarly to rust removal.
Remove the tops of any of the trains that are removable and clean the insides as well to avoid more dirt and rust buildup.
Apply oil to all moving parts, as well as the tracks and wheels of the train. Oil can help to dissolve any remaining dirt, and will get the parts moving again if they have gotten locked up.
Assemble the track. If you find any areas that no longer fit together properly, gently push them back into place using pliers.
Replace any broken parts. Most parts on postwar Lionel trains simply unscrew, and the replacement part screws right in.
Test the train on the tracks. Make sure all movable parts move; if not, apply more oil or clean the area more thoroughly to remove buildup that is in the way. If the train does not work and it is completely clean, test the plug; you may need a replacement.