Things You'll Need
Clothespin Racer
Take one of your twist ties and put it through the hole on one of your buttons and secure the end.
Snip off a section of a straw that is 1 inch long using your scissors. Twist the twist tie and insert through the section of straw. Insert through the hole of another button and secure.
Repeat the above steps to create another set of wheels.
Clip the clothespin down the middle of the wheels, over the pieces of straws. Glue in place if necessary, or use your tape to secure the back wheels. Your car is now ready for use and can be decorated as you like.
Rubberband Racer
Cut a notch in the center of the 5-inch side of the cardboard. The notch should be 2 inches wide and 1 1/2 inches deep.
Slide the skewer through the cardboard, close to the outer edge. It should bridge the gap you just created with the notch. Make sure the same amount of skewer sticks out on either edge of the cardboard.
Wrap a small piece of tape around the middle of the skewer where it goes across the notch. Leave the tail end of the tape sticking up, instead of taping it down flat, to form a catch for the elastic. You may want to layer up the tape or twist the end that sticks up to make sure it is strong enough to hold the elastic.
Hold a washer against the center hole of one of the CDs. Slide the washer and CD over one end of the skewer that sticks out from the cardboard, leaving lots of room between the CD and cardboard. Use your poster putty to very tightly attach the CD and washer to the skewer. Repeat on the other side.
Tape one end of the rubber band to the cardboard on the opposite end that you cut the notch. Pull the other end of the elastic so it fits over the catch you made with the tape. Now turn the axle (the skewer) several times. When you release the car it will drive forward.