Basic Usage
The standard way to move a fingerboard involves placing the index finger in the middle of the board and the middle finger on the tail. This allows the fingerboarder to pull the deck along while moving the weight on the index finger to the left or right to control direction. In this way, the fingers copy the placement and movements of legs on an actual skateboard. Beginners can use a third finger (either the ring finger or thumb) for additional control, and also can choose to ride "goofy" (with the position of the fingers flipped) if that is more comfortable.
The Shove It
One of the two basic tricks that are a core part of any advanced move, the Shove It involves rotating the deck 180 degrees underneath your fingers before landing on it and resuming skating. To perform this trick, simply place additional pressure on the back of the board with your middle finger and move it down and in either direction (towards or away from you). Let the board perform the 180-degree turn with your index finger just on top of the board before bringing your fingers down to "land" the trick.
The Ollie
The Ollie is the other cornerstone trick of fingerboarding. It is essentially a jump, with the entire board coming off of the ground before it lands and the rider continues skating. While moving forward, move your index finger so it is slightly ahead of the center of the board. Then press down hard on the tail with your middle finger so that the board performs a wheelie and then becomes airborne. While this is happening, slide your index finger to the front of the board and then press down to land the board.
Kick Flips
Kick Flips are very similar to Ollies, but involve the board tumbling side-over-side one rotation as well as coming off of the ground. To perform this move, begin it as you would an Ollie, but with your index finger just on the outside edge of the board. When the board is in the air, use your index finger to flip the board over its side while hovering your fingers over the deck. At the point just before it is about to reach a 360 flip, press down hard on the board to land it on its wheels.