Check for damage as often as possible. Damage can come from track workers, racers or even the RC cars themselves.
Fill in any holes that you find. Holes in the track can make for rougher racing and cause damage to the RC cars.
Use water prior to the race to provide traction and keep the dirt packed down. This should be added to your pre-race maintenance routine to keep the racers satisfied.
Host open practice sessions at the track. As the RC cars run on the track it will cause the dirt to smooth out and pack down, which makes for better racing.
Examine any boundaries to ensure that they are in relatively good shape. While it seems like an easy concept, many track owners forget this simple maintenance tip.
Make sure that the roof of your building isn't leaking, if you use an outdoor track. A leaking roof can leave puddles on your track.
Ask racers at the track for advice or their opinions. This can be an easy way to learn what areas of your track need improving and what your customers would like to see.