Things You'll Need
Clean your motor with a specialty cleaner from your local hobby store. These cleaners typically come in a large metal spray can and are sprayed directly into your engine.
Replace the brushes and springs when needed. You should be able to tell when these items need replacing by doing a visual inspection during your maintenance routine.
Wipe off the cables and wires on your engine using a soft towel. You should do this as often as possible; even a short race can cause a large amount of dirt to get caked on to the wiring system.
Use WD-40 on the engine to prevent the build up of dirt and rust. Many racers use this to maintain their RC cars and make their engines last longer.
Make a weekly check of engine fluids including the fluid in the differentials and shocks. The fluid levels should remain even.
Check your air filter after every run and apply new oil. This will keep your engine running longer than it would if you used the same air filter for long periods of time.
Follow the manual that came with your RC car for additional tips on how to best maintain your particular engine.