Decide in advance how much money you're willing to spend on an electric car motor. This will help you find the right motor without spending too much time on more expensive models.
Consider the difference between a brush motor and a brushless motor. You'll have fewer options with the more expensive brushless motor, but it's easier to maintain than the brush motor.
Realize that the number of times the motor turns is related to the power of the engine. If you need more power, you'll want to look for an electric motor with more turns.
Choose the number of winds you need on an electric car motor. Single winds are good for short tracks because they're more powerful, while double, triple and quadruple winds have less power.
Look at both machine-wound and hand-wound electric car motors. Machine-wound engines are less expensive and less powerful than hand-wound motors.
Keep in mind where you plan on running your RC car. Amateurs can use pre-built motors, while racers may want to build their engines from scratch.