Things You'll Need
Understand that pedal-powered toys are a classic favorite for children ages 2 to 6.
Know that most pedal toys are quite expensive and that classic models may be difficult to locate.
Realize that one of the best online sources for pedal cars is Blue Diamond Classics. Blue Diamond sells eight models, including a fire truck, police car, taxi cab, dump truck and fire chief cars. These cars are priced between $150 and $250. They are of quality construction and have all-metal bodies.
Order parts for older pedal cars from Blue Diamond should you choose to build your own or refurbish an old car.
Make sure the child you are buying for is small enough to fit inside the car. Children over age 6 will be too big. You are generally safe buying a car for a toddler or preschooler though.
Look at some of the less expensive pedal toys available at toy dealers. ToyTime carries a Police Car and a Fire Truck for $180 each. The fire truck comes with removable oak ladders and a removable hose. The police car has a hand-crank siren.
Notice that a pedal toy need not be in the shape of a real car. The Power Pumper 2000 available at eToys is not a traditional car shape. This toy requires hand and foot action to make it go. It is priced at $150 and is for 5 to 11-year-olds.
See that a very inexpensive pedal toy, called the Fun Wheels, is available at eToys for $40. This toy consists of two large wheels with pedals in between. The 3 to 6-year-old child stands on the pedals and makes it go.
Remember to ask what material a pedal toy is made of when shopping and also to check the recommended ages for the product.