Familiarize Yourself with Low Rider Styles
Visit low rider magazine Web sites such as Lowrider Bicycle.
Read about award-winning low rider bikes and tricycles to see what judges consider the most desirable features. For example, the 2004 Lowrider Magazine bicycle of the year sported cross-shaped mirrors and a skull-shaped steering wheel.
Read the "Discussion Boards" on the Lowrider magazine Web site for a wealth of customizing ideas. Post any questions you have about tricycle customizing.
Cruise the discussion posts to find out where and when the next low rider gathering is happening.
Click on the "Events" link to find the next low rider event. Low rider gatherings showcase hundreds of custom bicycles and tricycles that can help you decide how to select your own low rider options.
Click on the "Bike Tech" link to read about low rider specialists who can perform custom work on your tricycle.
Decide How to Customize Your Tricycle
Visit Web sites such as Street Low Rider to select upgrades for your tricycle.
Click on the "Parts" link from the Street Rider homepage.
Click on the "Seats" link to view a selection of custom low rider seats. Banana-shaped seats are the most popular low rider bicycle seats.
Select the "Sissy bar" link (a sissy bar is a curved metal backrest that gives the tricycle a motorcycle look). Sissy bars are a classic feature on low riders.
Choose the "Handle Bars" link for more accessories.
Select "Apehanger" handlebars for the ultimate low rider style. Apehangers are tall handlebars that make your low rider tricycle look like a custom motorcycle.