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How to Make a Wooden Crossbow Trigger

The most basic way to build a wooden trigger for a crossbow is a lever attached to a piston rod that retracts into the stock. This trigger is designed for a toy crossbow powered by a 1/2-inch diameter PVC pipe. The trigger takes about 5 to 7 minutes to build. The finished toy crossbow has a range of 35 to 55 feet and uses rubber-tipped bolts made from 3/8-inch wide dowels. It is an outdoor toy.

Things You'll Need

  • 3/8-inch round dowel rod, 9 inches long
  • Power drill
  • Assorted drill bits
  • Lattice stripping scrap, 1/4 inch by 1 1/2 inch
  • Wood chisel
  • Straight-backed handsaw
  • Phillips-head screwdriver
  • Wood glue
  • Cardboard squares
  • 2-inch adjustable clamp
  • 3/8-inch long wood screw
  • 1/8-inch bolt, 2 inches long
  • 1/8-inch nut
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    • 1

      Cut two pieces 2 1/2 inch long from the lattice scrap. Cut a 2 1/2-inch length from the dowel. That will give you a 2 1/2-inch piece and a 6 1/2-inch piece.

    • 2

      Place a pencil mark 1 inch from the top of each piece of doweling. Cut halfway through each dowel at this mark with the handsaw. Place the chisel against the top of each dowel. Gradually shave the off the section from the top to the sawed-in section, one layer at a time.

    • 3

      Place the dowels' chiseled-out sections together 1/4 inch from the ends. Attach a 1/8-inch drill bit to the power drill. Drill straight through the center of where the dowels intersect. Drive a 3/8-inch wood screw through the hole as tightly as you can without splitting the wood.

    • 4

      Attach a 1/2-inch drill bit to your drill. Drill a hole through the top of the crossbow's stock right behind the guide rails.

    • 5

      Spread a side of each lattice piece with wood glue. Wait 30 seconds. Place the glued sides on the stock so that the long sides are flush with the guide rails and the short sides are flush with the top of the stock.

    • 6

      Place cardboard squares on the lattice pieces. Slide the adjustable clamp onto the cardboard squares. Tighten the clamp. Wait 30 minutes for the glue to set.

    • 7

      Remove the clamp and cardboard squares. Slide the 2 1/2-inch long piston rod through the stock's bottom until it is flush with the stock's top. Turn the lever so that it is at a right angle to the piston rod.

    • 8

      Attach a 1/8-inch drill bit to your drill. Drill straight through the lattice pieces and lever, 1/2 inch from the lattice's rear. Slide the 2-inch bolt through the holes. Finger tighten the nut.

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