Things You'll Need
Take your screwdriver and carefully pry up the red roof of the water tower. The water tower has a liquid in it that appears to run down its spout into the water car. But the liquid doesn't actually leave the tower. It just goes into a lower compartment. Sometimes the tower's inner cylinder gets stuck. Or sometimes the plastic sprout breaks. Because of the illusion of water draining from the tank, this is a popular piece with kids.
Pour out the small amount of liquid in the water tower into a cup.
Remove the inner cylinder by unscrewing it by hand. With a paper towel, clean the little handle that connects the water tower cylinder with the spout.
Replace the cylinder, then pour the liquid back in.
Replace the red roof.
Use modeler's glue on the spout if the end of the spout breaks. If the plastic hinge on the spout breaks, take the tower into a hobby shop. The hinge might not be fixable, and you may have to consider getting a new water tower.