Things You'll Need
Find a picture of an ax in a side view to get a clear view of the head. Books of medieval weapons, fantasy art and websites with the same types of images are good sources.
Print a copy of the image at the size you want your ax head to be. Most double sided axes have heads 7 to 12 inches tall, and 10 to 14 inches wide. Cut along the outline of the ax image for a template.
Apply spray glue to the back of the paper template cut from your printed image. Press the template smoothly onto a piece of 1/2-inch-thick plywood so that the entire head fits neatly. Keep close to the edges for easy cutting and to conserve material.
Head Construction
Set the plywood on a band saw table and release the blade guide so that it drops onto the plywood. Lift it up slightly to allow the plywood to pass beneath, and tighten the guide. Start the saw and cut along the outline of the template to cut the ax head shape from the plywood. Remove the template.
Set up a 1/4-inch bevel bit with a bearing in a router table and adjust the height so that the bearing is 3/16-inch above the table. Start the router and pass the rounded blade ends of the axe head along the bit, running it counterclockwise to bevel the edge. Do this to both ends and flip the axe over to cut the other face the same way.
Sand the head down and spray it with a coat of flat black spray paint. Dust over the black lightly with a coat of metallic silver spray paint. Cover almost all of the black, leaving the black showing through just slightly to create a burnished metal appearance.