Things You'll Need
Hold the knotted end of the top string in your dominant hand. Grasp the top by the widest part in your nondominant hand.
Tightly wrap the string once around the top, flat part of the top, holding the knot down with one of your fingers. Wrap part of the string around the knot to keep the string tight around the top.
Bring the string straight down the side of the top, stopping just above the point. Wrap the string tightly around the point in stacked coils. Keep wrapping until you run out of string.
Wrap the end of the string around the index finger of your dominant hand. Hold the top with the point pointing up toward the ceiling.
Quickly turn the top so the point points down at a 45-degree angle and throw it sharply. The top should spin on its point. Experiment with gently tugging on the string to bring it back and forth, which is called "walking" it on the string.