Things You'll Need
Building a Balsa Wood Glider
Use the photocopied template to cut the wing out of the medium/straight grain balsa sheet. Smooth the front edge of the wing with the sanding block. Also sand any areas on the wing requiring "washout." Washout areas are sanded areas on the edges of the wing that improve flight stability. (See reference 1)
Use a razor block to thin the wings from the center to the tips and sand the entire wing with sandpaper. If the wing profile calls for raised wing tips, mark the wing breaks with a pencil and cut them with a fresh modeling knife blade. Glue the wing breaks back on to the wing at the angle specified in the model plans. Beginners may find a flat wing profile easier to build. (See reference 2)
Cut the fuselage section from the hard grade balsa. Thin the rear of the fuselage so the front is heavier. Sand the fuselage smooth and glue the wings to the fuselage. (See reference 1)
Cut the tail and fin sections from the medium grade balsa. Sand the two pieces and glue to the fuselage where the model design indicates. Round the nose of the fuselage if needed, and follow any other instructions to finish and laminate the model. (See reference 1)