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How to Build With Lincoln Logs

Lincoln Logs are basic wooden building blocks that have been around since the early 1900s. The classic toy, and predecessor to other building block toys such as Legos, is made out of wood. A basic Lincoln Log is a long piece of rounded wood (log-like) with a notch at either end that allows each Lincoln log to connect with another. A Lincoln log cabin is one of the many possible buildings you can build using Lincoln logs.

Things You'll Need

  • Lincoln log set
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    • 1

      Place to Lincoln Logs parallel to each other at a distance that is equal to the length of a Lincoln Log.

    • 2

      Place a Lincoln Log perpendicular to the two parallel logs at one end of the parallel logs. Make sure that the notches in this log interlock with the notches on the previous two logs.

    • 3

      Interlock the notch in a small Lincoln Log with one of the unused notches. The small Lincoln Log is a short piece of wood with only one notch. Repeat this step on the remaining notch. That completes one level of a Lincoln Log cabin.

    • 4

      Build five levels of a Lincoln Log cabin in the same way as the previous level was built on top of the previous level. Make sure that the small logs are used on the same side as they will create the door opening for the cabin.

    • 5

      Interlock a roof piece onto both sides of the topmost level of the Lincoln log cabin. Lincoln log roof pieces are basically one solid piece of wood that is in the shape of a triangular roof and usually painted red.

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