Things You'll Need
Spread a few thin lines of wood glue on the bottom of one of the 2-inch square blocks. Attach this block to the top of one of the wooden rectangles, directly in the center of the block. This will form the wooden car. Glue the other 2-inch block on top of the other rectangle, but glue it towards one end of the rectangle. This will form the wooden truck. Allow the glue to harden, at least two to four hours.
Saw off four pieces from the wooden dowel. Each piece should be 3 inches long. Set aside.
Turn the wooden blocks over so that the larger rectangular blocks are on top. Hammer the nail into the four corners of each block, making a hole in each corner about 2 millimeters deep. These holes will serve as guide holes for the eye screws. Screw four eye screws into each wooden block as far as they will go.
Glue one wheel to one end of each of the four wooden dowel pieces. Insert the other end of the dowel through the eye screws so that each block has two wooden dowel axles. Glue the other wheel onto the other end of the dowel and allow the wheels to set so that the glue can harden.