Things You'll Need
Position two 1/2-by-24-by-24-inch plywood panels on a work surface. Use a tape measure to find the center on one side of each panel. Mark the centers with a pencil. Measure 6 inches down on the sides that are perpendicular to the side with the center mark. Mark those measurements on each panel. Use a straight edge and pencil to draw a line connecting the center marks to the marks at 6 inches. You should now have a five-sided shape on the panel. It will look like the outline of a house with a peaked roof.
Cut along the pencil lines of the two panels using a table saw. These two panels are the front and back of the doll house. Take the front of the doll house and place it on a work surface. On the side opposite the point, measure 2 inches in from each edge. Mark this measurement with a pencil. Measure up 16 inches from each 2-inch mark. Use a straight edge to connect the pencil marks. You should have a 16-by-20-inch square drawn at the bottom of the front panel. Use a band saw to cut the square out by following the pencil lines.
Sand all surfaces of the parts using 120-grit sandpaper. Apply a wood finish of your choice to the wooden doll house parts. Allow the finish to dry before handling any of the parts.
Position a third 1/2-by-24-by-24-inch plywood panel flat on the work surface in front of you. Place the front panel on one side and the back panel on the opposite side. Place one 1/2-by-18-by-24-inch plywood panel on the remaining sides of the 1/2-by-24-by-24-inch plywood panel. They will be perpendicular to the front and back. These two panels are the sides of the doll house.
Apply a bead of wood glue along the edges where the panels will join together to form a box. Place the front and back upright. Place the sides upright. Press the bottom edges of the sides, front and back against the bottom panel. This will form a box. Clamp the box together with bar clamps. Wipe off any excess glue with a damp rag. Allow the glue to fully dry. Remove the bar clamps.
Drive finish nails into the joints of the box. Space the nails approximately every 2 inches. Place one 1/2-by-6-by-24-inch plywood panel on top of the angled side of the front and back. Align the panel so that it is flush with the front and back. Apply a bead of wood glue along the edges where the wood will form a joint. Fasten the panel to the angled side of the front with round-headed finish nails. Wipe off any excess glue. This is the fixed side of the roof.
Align the other 1/2-by-6-by-24-inch plywood panel on the opposite angled side of the front and back. This is the doorway part of the roof. It will open and close to provide access to the doll house. Position one hinge 1 inch in from the edge of the panel that forms the peak of the roof. Fasten the hinges to the roof panels at the peak of the roof with the provided screws. Position the latch set on the roof panel edge opposite the hinges. The latch will secure the roof panel to the side of the house. Center the latch. Fasten the latch with the provided screws. Latch the roof panel.